Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009

So viel geschafft!

Wir waren wirklich fleißig in den letzten Wochen und deshalb wollte ich euch mal ein paar neue Bilder zeigen.

Wir sind zwar noch lang nicht fertig aber ich glaube man kann schon ganz gut erkennen in welche Richtung es geht.

Also lasse ich einfach mal Bilder sprechen und bin gespannt was Ihr sagt …

Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

My dearest Alicja,

as I told you in the past I'm so happy to have find such a nice and creative person as you are. Your cooperation with Villa Landleben is such a pleasure.
Today I was very lucky to open your parcel and find such beautiful little charms. So my head and heart started to work and I started to create a necklace
as you can see on the photos. I hope that they will meet your taste.
I'm so proud to present so beautiful tender charms in our shop of such an excellent artist as you are.
I think that a lot of people will love your charms and will be a fan of Alicja Radej. The team of Villa Landleben is your biggest fan as a wonderful person and artist. 
Millions of huges and kisses 
your Ana